Some of us enjoy a little white noise from time to time, except for when your home theater system makes a buzzing noise. You may prefer the sound of a fan while you’re dozing off at night, but the persistent buzzing emanating from a home theater quickly falls under the category of “annoying” rather than “relaxing.” Luckily, this is a common issue people experience that can usually be resolved quickly once you’ve pinpointed the cause.

When a home theater system produces a buzzing noise, the most common causes are related to grounding issues, such as a ground loop. If this is not the case, other possibilities include damaged or disconnected wiring, electromagnetic interference, or cheap equipment.

In this article, we will discuss the most likely causes of this home theater issue in more detail and provide simple but effective steps to help you troubleshoot and resolve it as quickly as possible.

How to Get a Home Theater System to Stop Buzzing

While you don’t have to be a millionaire to have your own home theater, these systems often involve a complicated setup consisting of various pieces of compatible equipment, extensive wiring, and other elements that can result in significant functionality complications when done improperly.

Whether it is your first time powering your home theater or the hundredth, a common issue almost every owner experiences at some point is a steady buzzing sound emitting from the amplifier.

To troubleshoot this issue in the most effective and time-efficient manner possible, you’ll want to start with the most likely cause and work your way through the possibilities until you’re experiencing crystal-clear audio. In order of likelihood, these causes include:

  • Disconnected or damaged wires and/or audio cables
  • Ground loops
  • Electromagnetic interference
  • Cheap equipment
  • Power supply issues

The everyday person can resolve this issue by systematically assessing their system and testing the solutions detailed for each common cause listed below.

Disconnected or Damaged Audio Cables

Although grounding-related issues are usually the top reason why a home theater makes a buzzing noise, this is a close second. It is mentioned here first because it is much easier to identify for a quick resolution.

Disconnected or damaged audio cables can cause a home theater system to emit a buzzing noise because they interfere with the electrical signals being transferred between components.

The solution here is to simply take your time checking all cables and wiring within your home theater system to confirm they are firmly connected and do not exhibit any signs of damage or excessive wear, such as fraying. If severe damage is found, particularly on the audio cable, you’ll want to replace the component before retesting the system.

Ground Loops

As we mentioned previously, home theatres are complex systems with multiple conductive paths that permit the flow of electrical current circuits or devices.

A ground loop is created when more than one conductive path is created between “ground” terminals/circuits or two separate pieces of equipment. In a home theater system, this usually means that your television and entertainment/audio center are grounded via separate paths but then connected by an additional path (ex., a communication cable with a ground).

The result is a loop that allows current to potentially flow in unanticipated directions, creating interference or a buzzing sound. This loop might also occur when two separate circuits experience a difference in resistance to ground.

To fix this issue, you need to identify and break the loop. This can usually be done by disconnecting one of the devices from the audio cables or using an isolation transformer.

Electromagnetic Interference

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is an electrical disturbance caused by the emission of electromagnetic energy from an external source that interrupts, obstructs, or otherwise degrades or limits the effective performance of electronics and electrical equipment.

EMI can create a buzzing noise in home theater systems when it interferes with the communication between the television and the audio system.

The buzzing noise is often caused by the television and audio system not being properly shielded, allowing the EMI to disrupt the communication between the two components.

EMI can also be caused by other electronic devices, such as microwaves, cell phones, and power lines, close to the television or audio system. Shielding the television and audio system or relocating nearby appliances can help reduce the amount of EMI and the buzzing noise it causes.

Cheap Equipment

Suppose you’ve gone through your entire home theater system and confirmed no issues regarding grounding, electromagnetic interference, or wiring are present. In that case, it might be time to take a serious look at your equipment.

Using low-quality cables, sound receivers, and other necessitates in your home theater setup might create a buzzing noise because these items aren’t built with the durable materials required to manage an audio/visual system reliably.

They might also lack the necessary filters or forms of shielding that is essential for reducing any potential interference.

Unfortunately, the only solution here is to upgrade your equipment to more modern and/or higher quality models. Remember to confirm that any new items you intend to purchase are compatible with the gear you already have.

Power Supply Issues

If your home theater system is powered by an inadequate power supply or has experienced a power surge, it can cause the components to malfunction and create an annoying buzzing noise. Another potential explanation would be if too many devices within the system are connected to the same power source.

You should check if the power supply meets the requirements of all components in your system and that everything is connected correctly.

Final Thoughts on Home Theater System Makes a Buzzing Noise

In conclusion, buzzing noises from a home theater system can have a variety of causes. It could be something as simple as a loose cable or a more complex issue like a ground loop. If, after attempting to identify and fix the problem yourself, you are still unable to pinpoint the cause or resolve the issue, it might be best to seek out the help of a professional.